Witches Brew & Mother Crewe




Witches Brew & Mother Crewe Legends & True Tales of Olde Plymouth

by Diane L. Finn

  • Find out about two women accused of witchcraft in Plymouth Courts and their twist of fate.
  • Discover some of New England’s strange beliefs about witches during Colonial times.
  • Read the legends of three Plymouth witches: Mother Crewe, Bethia Hazel and Aunt Rachel, and learn the results of their gruesome curses.

In the 17th century, in every European country, kings, religious leaders, nobles and peasants all had a belief in witches and witchcraft.
Those who settled in New England brought those ideas and superstitions with them.

Much attention about witches has been paid to Salem and Boston, but few know of the two witch trials that took place in the Plymouth, Massachusetts  Courts.

Finn explores the truth and fiction in this book.  Read it and decide for yourself, do you believe?