The Naughty Pilgrim




·       Discover the gruesome murders committed by both men and women hung for their crimes in Plymouth.

     Learn about the punishments for excessive drinking in 17th century Plymouth.

·       Find out how the repercussions for 17th century crimes differ from today.

·       Be surprised at some of the sexual “crimes” and their severe punishments.

These stories are based on actual court records from 17th century Plymouth.

Chapter I: Murder and Mayhem

Learn about hangings of John Billington, Alice Martin Bishop, Arthur Peach & the Peach Gang, John Sassamon -The Case of the Bleeding Corpse.

Chapter II: Drunkenness and the Courts

Find out the severe punishments for men, women and Native American and their drinking along with the sale of alcohol by Stephen Hopkins, James Cole and Francis Sprague.

Chapter III: Witchcraft in the 17th Century

Discover the details of the trials of Elizaberh Holmes and Mary Ingham, both put on trial in Plymouth accused of witchcraft.

Chapter IV: Punishment to Fit the Crimes?

Be amazed at the severity of these punishments: Tying neck to heels, the bilboes, the stocks, the pillory, fines, shaming, binding out, the whipping post, whipping at the cart’s tail, the ducking stool and the swimming test.

Chapter V: Sexual Misconduct

You may be quite surprised at the way sexual misconduct was treated in 17th century Plymouth from men, women and Native Americans to the story of Thomas Granger.